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Vertical nature

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Supervision, guidance, training...


So, what is canyoning?

In simple words, it is the descent of a gorge, a mountain stream, a more or less steep-side stream. Without boat of course! You will get a neoprene suit, a harness and a helmet. The monitor will  lead you safely, telling you how to get through the various obstacles in the river. Abseils under cascades, toboggans, jumps and simple walking, that is what you will do in beautiful, wild and completely natural environments... The kind of cooling activity, playful but sometimes also with awe sights...

In all the canyons we propose, you will be lead by professionals who have a climbing or speleology BEES, or canyoning DEJEPS (french national diplomas). At Atypic, we try to have only few groups (10 persons max.) to share at best our passion with you. We specially care about the place where we go, we know it well and we can speak about it better than anyone. Nature is our playground but also our office! We will be happy to welcome you there and wish you a nice descent in our company.

You will find below the four regions where we go regularly, but they are not the only ones where we can lead you, so if you want to descent specific canyons, feel free to ask, we will gladly answer. See you soon!

Choose your region 

Here is the gear we lend for all our Canyons and Aquatic Wandering (from head to toe):

- neoprene shoes

- neoprene suit (Seland)

- canyoning harness with cow's tails and descender

- protection layer for aquatic wandering

- helmet


The gear you have to bring to go with us:

- good walking shoes (tied with shoelace) with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)

- swimsuit

- bath towel

- warm clothes for the way back to the car

- snack and drink for the way back to the car

- for whole day canyon, something to eat during the descent of the river (protected in a water-proof container)

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