Vertical nature
06 75 12 19 63
Supervision, guidance, training...
Canyon de Coiserette
This is THE canyon in Jura you don't want to miss! You will walk in a very steep gorge (only 2 meters width in some places). Jumps (sometimes technical), small abseils, swimming in deep natural canal ponds… You will enjoy everything! Depending of the water level, the group can count more or less people in the same time. Two possibilities to descend this beautiful river as the canyon is cut in three different parts.
- doing the first two parts only and going back to the parking through a steep walk of about 20 min. 45€/pers.
- doing the whole canyon (the three parts) and going back to the parking through a steep walk of about 30 min. 52€/pers.
RDV: Saint Claude Cathedral square
Nbr of people: 10 max.
Price: 45 or 52€/pers.
For who? 12 y.o. and older. Swimming skills needed
Duration: half a day
Here is the gear we lend for all our Canyons and Aquatic Wandering (from head to toe):
- neoprene shoes
- neoprene suit (Seland)
- canyoning harness with cow's tails and descender
- protection layer for aquatic wandering
- helmet
The gear you have to bring to go with us:
- good walking shoes (tied with shoelace) with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)
- swimsuit
- bath towel
- warm clothes for the way back to the car
- snack and drink for the way back to the car
- for whole day canyon, something to eat during the descent of the river (protected in a water-proof container)