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Vertical nature

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Supervision, guidance, training...

Canyon du Furon (upper part)

It is a fun and beautiful canyon close to Grenoble. Within a luxuriant nature and with its succession of jumps, toboggans, abseil and bed river walk, it is perfect for a first time experience. And for the thrill seekers, there is also a few optional jumps reaching up to 9 meters high.


RDV: Château de Sassenage

Nbr of people: 8 max.

Price: 50€/pers.

For who? 14 y.o. and older. Swimming skills needed

Duration: half a day

Here is the gear we lend for all our Canyons and Aquatic Wandering (from head to toe):

- neoprene shoes

- neoprene suit (Seland)

- canyoning harness with cow's tails and descender

- protection layer for aquatic wandering

- helmet


The gear you have to bring to go with us:

- good walking shoes (tied with shoelace) with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)

- swimsuit

- bath towel

- warm clothes for the way back to the car

- snack and drink for the way back to the car

- for whole day canyon, something to eat during the descent of the river (protected in a water-proof container)

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