Vertical nature
06 75 12 19 63
Supervision, guidance, training...
Canyon des Gleizolles
The Gleizolles stream is perfect for a family group… First, we need to go up the stream for about 30 min before going down. The stream and the walking way get mixed up in a beautiful and wild environment. Once in the stream: toboggans, jumps and wandering. A beautiful and quiet place. All obstacles can be avoided if need be.
RDV: Saint Benoît en Diois village
Nbr of people: 10 max.
Price: 35€/pers.
For who? 10 y.o. and older. Swimming skills needed
Duration: half a day
Here is the gear we lend for all our Canyons and Aquatic Wandering (from head to toe):
- neoprene shoes
- neoprene suit (Seland)
- canyoning harness with cow's tails and descender
- protection layer for aquatic wandering
- helmet
The gear you have to bring to go with us:
- good walking shoes (tied with shoelace) with rigid sole (like sport or wandering shoes)
- swimsuit
- bath towel
- warm clothes for the way back to the car
- snack and drink for the way back to the car
- for whole day canyon, something to eat during the descent of the river (protected in a water-proof container)